Accompaniment strategies in distance studies in basic education. Case Study: municipal schools of Talca, Chile

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Marlenis M. Martínez-Fuentes


The present article aims to analyze the support strategies in distance studies in basic education in municipal schools in Talca-Chile. To do this, a quantitative approach with a non experimental transectional-descriptive design was used. The participants were eighty-five (85) teachers from the Basic School of Talca and the Carlos Spano School. Intentional population census sampling was applied and a Likert-type questionnaire was used. The results showed that the teachers maintain an unfavorable attitude regarding the use of accompaniment strategies. However, they manage distance studies because they take into account the needs, reflect on educational processes and are strengthening learning.


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How to Cite
Martínez-FuentesM. M. (2020). Accompaniment strategies in distance studies in basic education. Case Study: municipal schools of Talca, Chile. Revista Ethos, 1(1), 71-85. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Marlenis M. Martínez-Fuentes, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes

  • Postdoctorado en Generación del Conocimiento, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador;
  • Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Fermín Toro.
  • Magíster en Educación, Mención Gerencia Educacional, Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador.
  • Licenciada en Educación Integral, UNELLEZ-Barinas.
  • Docente investigador, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes-Chile.