Reflections About “seven Knowledge Necessary for the Education of the Future”: About 97 Years of Edgar Morin’s Life

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Argenis J. Mendoza-Suárez


Is becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore the impact of education in the preservation of the planet and the survival of human beings, this document is fundamental intended approach this impact, whose reflections are based on the work of the French thinker, Edgar Morin, “Seven knowledge necessary for the education of the future”, by going to the document review both of the homonymous work itself and other texts written by authors who specifically discusses this theoretical proposal, taking into account that since the last decade, when it was published that letter, so far there are significant advances in the field of education, such as: quantum physics and mathematics, robotics and telematics.


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How to Cite
Mendoza-SuárezA. J. (2018). Reflections About “seven Knowledge Necessary for the Education of the Future”: About 97 Years of Edgar Morin’s Life. Revista Ethos, 10(2), 75-83. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Argenis J. Mendoza-Suárez, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda

  • Licenciado en Comunicación Social. Mención: Periodismo Audiovisual (LUZ, Venezuela).
  • Especialista en Desarrollo de Organizaciones Inteligentes (LUZ, Venezuela).
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos (UNERMB, Venezuela).
  • Doctor en Gerencia (UNY, Venezuela).
  • Doctorante en Educación (UNERMB, Venezuela).
  • Profesor invitado de postgrado de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt (UNERMB) y de la Universidad Alonso de Ojeda (UNIOJEDA).