The appeal for annulment against the Arbitration Award in Panama

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The annulment remedy was instituted in Panama by Decree Law 5 of 1999, but today it is regulated by Law 131 of 2013, being the only means of challenging the arbitration award. This special type of resource has the purpose of extracting arbitration justice from ordinary justice (first and second level civil courts) and giving speed, as well as legal certainty to arbitration decisions. The general objective of the article is to analyze the appeal for annulment against the arbitral award in the Republic of Panama. To achieve this, an analysis of the legal nature, the legal principles, the causes and the processing of the annulment appeal was conducted. The methodology used was of a qualitative, documentary and transactional type, during the year 2022. The most relevant result indicates that all the grounds for the annulment appeal are presented in the form, that is, due to errors in the procedure, analyzing the merits only of supplementary and exceptional way, so there is no doubt about its legal importance in the country, especially since, since the 1990’s, Panama has wanted to become a center for international arbitration and for this the Model Law of the Commission was taken as a reference. of the United Nations for International Trade Law, which is the benchmark in arbitration matters.

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