Brief Reflections on the Impact of New Technologies on Work and Labor Law

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Andrés Arenas-Falótico
Jessica Bayón-Pérez


The transformations that are taking place in the production process and the economy demand education, training and income provision policies. Globalizing implies inclusion, hence the fact that government policies are geared towards addressing the change driven by technological evolution. By virtue of the reflections made in the essay, it is evident that labor law must accompany the transformation. The training of professionals with technique is being the objective of the European Universities, however, in Spain, we observe a lack of professionals in certain areas of information and communication technologies.


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How to Cite
Arenas-FalóticoA., & Bayón-PérezJ. (2020). Brief Reflections on the Impact of New Technologies on Work and Labor Law. Revista Ethos, 12(1), 52-64. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Andrés Arenas-Falótico, Universidad de Nebrija, España

Jessica Bayón-Pérez, Universidad de Nebrija, España

  • Profesora del Departamento de Derecho. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Nebrija.