Social Marketing Strategies to Disseminate Socioeconomic Information in Ciudad Ojeda, State of Zulia

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Beatriz Medina
Ana Socorro


The purpose of this study was to propose social marketing strategies to disseminate socioeconomic information in Ciudad Ojeda, State of Zulia. The methodology used was that of a feasible project, with a non- experimental, cross- sectional field design. Reporting units were nine (09) professionals from the humanities and social sciences, who were questioned using an open, unstructured interview. Results made it possible to conclude that there is lack of socio-economic in formation; when a little exists, it is unclear, imprecise and inaccurate. Therefore, the study recommends applying social marketing strategies through conventional and unconventional means to ensure that information can be obtained by the population.


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How to Cite
MedinaB., & SocorroA. (2014). Social Marketing Strategies to Disseminate Socioeconomic Information in Ciudad Ojeda, State of Zulia. Revista Ethos, 6(2), 188-206. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Beatriz Medina, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda, Venezuela

  • Licenciada en Administración, mención: Gerencia y Mercadeo (UNIOJEDA).

Ana Socorro, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda, Venezuela

  • Licenciada en Administración, mención: Gerencia y Mercadeo (UNIOJEDA).