Food Security and High Food Prices in the International Area: 1998-2012

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Liliana Guillén Gómez


The purpose of this research was to examine the situation of food security and highfood prices internationally, during the 1998- 2012 period. Research is of the documentary, descriptive type with a non- experimental, crosssectional design. Results revealed that, on a worldwide scale, the number of people in a situation of hunger decreased approximately by one-hundred thirty-two million, despite deceleration in the growth of economies. In addition, it was shown that high prices increase the risk of not having food safety in net food- importing countries, reducing access by the low-income population. Conclusions are that, although worldwide cereal production has been trebled and population has doubled on the global scale, the world’s problem is not a lack of food, but the in ability to access it.


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How to Cite
Guillén GómezL. (2014). Food Security and High Food Prices in the International Area: 1998-2012. Revista Ethos, 6(2), 174-187. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Liliana Guillén Gómez, LUZ, Venezuela

  • Ingeniera Industrial.
  • Magister Scientiarum en Gerencia de Empresas, mención: Gerencia Financiera (LUZ).
  • Candidata a Doctora en Ciencias Económicas (FACES-LUZ).