Conceptualizations of the Theory and Praxis of the Educational Curriculum

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Musa A. Majad-Rondón


The purpose of this essay is to make an approach looking forward to a literature review of the conceptualization of the theory and praxis of the educational curriculum, either as a model or as a curricular profile. In fact, this has led to multiple perspectives of thought on this matter. All this has originated the development of diverse theories which, taken as a whole, represent the different existing conceptions dealing with the elements of education. In this regard, a literature review and interpretation of texts under the critical - reflective paradigm was made. It states that the emancipatory theoretical approach of the curriculum and the curriculum approach based on a reflection of the practice, allows to infer there is a kind of harmony, having both a binding element whichis dialectic between theory and practice.


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How to Cite
Majad-RondónM. A. (2015). Conceptualizations of the Theory and Praxis of the Educational Curriculum. Revista Ethos, 7(2), 208-219. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Musa A. Majad-Rondón, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Licenciado en Letras (ULA).
  • Magíster en Gerencia Educativa (UNET).
  • Candidato a Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación (UBA).