Organizational Conflicts in Project Managers in the Metalworking Sector of the Eastern Coast of Lake

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Carlos G. Martínez-Uzcátegui
Nerio L. Villasmil-Pirela


The main purpose of this study was to analyze the types of conflicts within the project managers of the companies in the metalworking sector of the east coast of Lake in Zulia state. The investigation was considered as a field one and non-experimental design of transactional descriptive character. The selected sample consisted of fifteen (15) key informants. For data collection it was used a questionnaire with Likert scale whose reliability was calculated using the Cronbach Alfa Coefficient, valued at 0.91, which shows that the instrument is highly reliable. The article ended with the analysis of the condition found in the types of conflicts which project managers of the studied area have to manage, earning a rating of 3.89 that according to the scale of measurement used, refers to a low presence of the conflict variable in the population alluded.


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How to Cite
Martínez-UzcáteguiC. G., & Villasmil-PirelaN. L. (2015). Organizational Conflicts in Project Managers in the Metalworking Sector of the Eastern Coast of Lake. Revista Ethos, 7(2), 181-192. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Carlos G. Martínez-Uzcátegui, URBE, Venezuela

  • Ingeniero Industrial.
  • Magister Scientiarum en Gerencia de Proyectos Industriales.
  • Especialista en Psicolingüística y Metodología de la Investigación.
  • Docente de Pregrado y Extensión, en Instituciones como la URBE y el IUP Santiago Mariño.
  • Asesor de trabajos de Investigación. PEII Nivel A-1.

Nerio L. Villasmil-Pirela, URBE, Venezuela

  • Ingeniero Industrial.
  • Especialista en Gerencia Empresarial.
  • Magister en Gerencia de Empresas.
  • Experto en Dirección y Gestión Pública Local.
  • Doctor en Ciencias.
  • Mención Gerencia, Post Doctorado en Gerencia en las Organizaciones.
  • Especialista en Psicolingüística y Diplomado en Metodología de la Investigación.
  • Docente de Pregrado y Postgrado, de la URBE.
  • Asesor de trabajos de Investigación. PEII Nivel A-1.

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