Competence profile of project managers of companies in the Lagunillas municipality, Zulia state

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Maryeli Luengo-Ferrer
Ismaira Rivera-Fernández


This article aims to analyze the competence profile of project managers of the companies of the Lagunillas municipality, Zulia State. To do this, we used an analytical investigation, not experimental, field, transversal design. The intentional sample is formed by ten (10) companies located in Lagunillas municipality having a department of projects, in which we applied a questionnaire with thirty-three items aimed at managers in the concerned area. The results indicate that managers possess a high level of personal skills by obtaining a score of 45.80; in relation to the competences of knowledge results indicated a value of 86.70, which is considered an average level of competition; and for performance competitions they showed high levels with an average value of 93.50, indicating that globally the Lagunillas municipality project managers have sufficient powers to carry out activities related to projects assigned, showing experience but they must improve the area of knowledge itself.


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How to Cite
Luengo-FerrerM., & Rivera-FernándezI. (2015). Competence profile of project managers of companies in the Lagunillas municipality, Zulia state. Revista Ethos, 7(2), 162-180. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Maryeli Luengo-Ferrer, UNIOJEDA, Venezuela

  • Ingeniero Industrial (UNIOJEDA). TSU. en Producción Industrial (Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Juan Pablo Perez Alfonzo-IUTEPAL).

Ismaira Rivera-Fernández, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela

  • Ingeniera Industrial (Universidad del Zulia-LUZ, Venezuela).
  • Magister en Gerencia de Proyectos Industriales (Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín-URBE, Venezuela).
  • Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación (Universidad Rafael Belloso Chacín-URBE, Venezuela).
  • Docente del Instituto Universitario de Tecnología de Cabimas Extensión
    Ciudad Ojeda.