Educational Quality of Processes in the Private Institutions of Higher Education in the Costa Oriental del Lago, Zulia State

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Sandra Estrada
Rossana Zuccarello


This essay aims to justify the importance of the processes above the results, in the private institutions of higher education, from a documentary perspective. Quality is an organizational objective, since Japan, after World War II, showed excellent results in its economy; that is why UNESCO recommends its adoption in the field of education. Public institutions, whose resources come from the State, must be held accountable, and require to evaluate their results to get a fair budget; but the private ones, required to evaluate more the efficiency of the processes than the results, because they will generate the perception of educational quality, that they want to offer clients (students).


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How to Cite
EstradaS., & ZuccarelloR. (2015). Educational Quality of Processes in the Private Institutions of Higher Education in the Costa Oriental del Lago, Zulia State. Revista Ethos, 7(1), 93-105. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Sandra Estrada, Universidad de Zulia, Venezuela

  • Licenciada en Administración, Mención Gerencia Industrial.
  • MSc. en Docencia para la Educación Superior.
  • Profesora en la Universidad Alonso de Ojeda.
  • Coordinadora de la Línea de Investigación: Gerencia Empresarial.
  • Doctorante en Ciencias Sociales, Mención Gerencia, Universidad del Zulia.

Rossana Zuccarello, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda, Venezuela

  • Licenciada en Administración, Mención Gerencia Industrial.
  • MSc. en Docencia para la Educación Superior.
  • Profesora en la Universidad Alonso de Ojeda.
  • Coordinadora Académica de la FCA.
  • Doctorante en ciencias Sociales, Mención Gerencia, Universidad del Zulia.