Information Systems in Companies of Petroleum Services of the Eastern Coast of the Lake

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Marle Martínez Ramírez
Daniela Brenzini


This study, which is part of a larger-scope research, aims to analyze the Information and Communication Technologies (TIC) and the technological management in companies of petroleum services of the Eastern Coast of the Lake. The purpose of this work was to identify the needs of the companies with regard to the information systems. The research was descriptive and was carried out through a non-experimental, transectional and field design. The population was formed by twenty-six companies. Finally, it was determined that the information systems are designed to meet the strategic targets of the companies, being the managers the persons in charge of working out plans for the modernization, innovation and competitiveness of the same, as the data obtained are reliable and provided in time.


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How to Cite
Martínez RamírezM., & BrenziniD. (2015). Information Systems in Companies of Petroleum Services of the Eastern Coast of the Lake. Revista Ethos, 7(1), 58-69. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Marle Martínez Ramírez, LUZ, Venezuela

  • Ingeniero en Computación.
  • Magíster en Informática Educativa.
  • Doctor of Science in Systems Engineering.
  • Profesora titular a dedicación exclusiva. LUZ. Núcleo COL.
  • Investigadora adscrita al PEII, nivel B.

Daniela Brenzini, LUZ, Venezuela

  • Ingeniero Civil.
  • Magíster en Docencia para la Educación Superior.
  • Profesora Titular a dedicación Exclusiva. LUZ. Núcleo COL.
  • Investigadora adscrita al PEII, Subnivel A-1.