Foundations for a Praxeological Approach to the Management of Systemic Risks in Venezuela

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Katherine Rincón


In this article the foundations for a praxeological approach to the management of systemic risks in Venezuela are presented. To do this, it uses a documentary-hermeneutic study of character in the quantitative approach and contrasted praxeological, settling issues of obvious similarities and differences, which result in a range of critical interpretations on the subject. In the analysis it is evident that the formation of risks in Venezuela is inherent in the very feature of its economy. Similarly, recent attempts to reform the legal framework have had an impact on the processes of social cooperation, due to the new dynamic that has given the system. In this regard, the final reflections, we see that we must understand that the management of systemic risks is more than a market dominated by estimates of numeric character process, in which the importance of other aspects determined by the processes of human cooperation is discarded.


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How to Cite
RincónK. (2015). Foundations for a Praxeological Approach to the Management of Systemic Risks in Venezuela. Revista Ethos, 7(1), 11-27. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Katherine Rincón, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda, Venezuela

  • Ingeniero en Mantenimiento Mecánico (UNERMB).
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Gerencia de Proyectos Industriales (URBE).
  • Participante en el Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias Sociales, Mención Gerencia (FACES-LUZ).
  • Directora de la Escuela de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda.
  • Profesora de Ingeniería Económica y Contabilidad de Costos de la Universidad Alonso de Ojeda.