Representation system in Venezuelan populist speech: psycho-neurolinguistic approach

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Neida Urdaneta-Urdaneta
Linda Yicón-Rincón


This essay aims to analyze populism in Venezuela in terms of representational systems (visual, hearing, kinesthetic), developed by the psychoneurolinguistics as sociopolitical category of interaction and recurrent in speeches and practice, political campaigns, among others, especially in the last decade of the socialist revolutionary government. The methodology applied was documentary, descriptive type. The essay high lights how through populism in Venezuela it has been possible to hold captive a particular social group through populist speeches, using the technique of neurolinguistic programming considering representation systems from the conscious, as a natural state and the subconscious under the cognitive influence, according to the basic emotions and mood to achieve the desired objectives.


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How to Cite
Urdaneta-UrdanetaN., & Yicón-RincónL. (2016). Representation system in Venezuelan populist speech: psycho-neurolinguistic approach. Revista Ethos, 8(1), 78-88. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Neida Urdaneta-Urdaneta, LUZ, Venezuela

  • Doctorante en Ciencias Políticas.
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos.
  • Especialista en Administración de Personal.
  • Licenciada en Administración.
  • TSU en Relaciones Industriales.
  • Facilitadora en Psiconeurolingüística.
  • Docente.
  • Investigadora adscrita al Centro Experimental de Estudios Latinoamericanos “Dr. Gastón Parra Luzardo” (LUZ).

Linda Yicón-Rincón, LUZ, Venezuela

  • Doctora en Derecho (LUZ).
  • Abogada.
  • Investigadora en Ciencias Sociales adscrita al Centro Experimental de Estudios Latinoamericanos “Dr. Gastón Parra Luzardo” (LUZ).