Didactical Model for Meaningful Learning in the Area of Materials Engineering At the Universidad Alonso de Ojeda

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Luis A. Schiavino-Terán


The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness of a didactical model for meaningful learning developed in the area of engineering of materials at the Industrial Engineering career of Universidad Alonso de Ojeda. The research was evaluative with an explanatory phase, while the design was quasi- experimental, in a field and a longitudinal cut. A questionnaire frequency scaling
was used as a collection instrument. The results of the pretest and posttest show a remarkable effectiveness of the applied model, to increase significantly the levels of knowledge and also in the skills achieved by the students who are taking courses under the new instructional and the pedagogical model approach.


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How to Cite
Schiavino-TeránL. A. (2016). Didactical Model for Meaningful Learning in the Area of Materials Engineering At the Universidad Alonso de Ojeda. Revista Ethos, 8(2), 146-162. Retrieved from http://ojs.udelistmo.edu/ojs/index.php/Ethos/article/view/63
Author Biography

Luis A. Schiavino-Terán, UNIOJEDA, Venezuela

  • Ingeniero en mantenimiento mecánico (UNERMB).
  • Ingeniero industrial (UNIOJEDA).
  • Candidato a Doctor en Educación (UNERMB).
  • Profesor adscrito a la Facultad de Ingeniería Industrial de UNIOJEDA.