Technologically Assisted Cognitive Development: A Better Way to Dignify the Student’s Ability to Think and Reason

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Aida R. Herrera de Riera


In the present article it is analized the technologically assisted cognitive development as a better way to dignify the ability to think and reason of the student of the El Danto sector, Alonso de Ojeda parish of Lagunillas municipality, Zulia state, Venezuela. In relation to the methodology, it was within the macro-modality of scientific research, under the quantitative paradigm with a field design, of an analytical type, whose data collection techniques were based on direct observation, documentary review, unstructured interview and survey, the latter supported by a structured questionnaire with frequency scaling. The sample consisted of ninety-five students from four educational institutions located in the aforementioned sector. The results indicated that the technological assistance in the different areas of human knowledge should be directed considering teaching strategies that guide the cognitive development, achieving with this to constitute favorable guidelines for the improvement of the quality of education.


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How to Cite
Herrera de RieraA. R. (2018). Technologically Assisted Cognitive Development: A Better Way to Dignify the Student’s Ability to Think and Reason. Revista Ethos, 10(2), 26-40. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Aida R. Herrera de Riera, entro de Investigación Psiquiátrica, Psicológica y Sexológica, Venezuela

  • Licenciada en Educación Integral. Magíster en Orientación de la Conducta en el Centro de Investigación Psiquiátrica, Psicológica y Sexológica de Venezuela. Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación.