Latin America: Theory of dependence or scientific and technological deficit?

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Juan Mendoza Araujo


Since the 30s of the twentieth century, marked by the capitalist crisis generated by the crack and the Great Depression of 1929, there began the concern to explain the crisis of underdevelopment in Latin America. Following the structuralist model of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), it was generated the Center-Periphery Theory within which the industrialized countries were part of the center, while the non-developed countries constituted the periphery. According to this notion, the developed countries had attributed the processing and industrialization of raw materials, while the underdeveloped and non-industrialized countries were only left the production of raw materials with very little added value. But, in this regard, we should reflect if the Latin American situation might be genuinely explained by the dependency theory or is really there a scientific and technological deficit that explains it more accurately?


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How to Cite
Mendoza AraujoJ. (2018). Latin America: Theory of dependence or scientific and technological deficit?. Revista Ethos, 10(1), 87-99. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Juan Mendoza Araujo, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda, Venezuela

  • Graduado en Educación, ha realizado estudios sobre Filosofía de la Ciencia.
  • Obtuvo su maestría en lingüística con la tesis El Principio de Distintividad y Redundancia: una explicación holístico-funcional del cambio lingüístico y se doctoró en Ciencias con una disertación sobre el Status Epistemológico de las Teorías del Cambio Lingüístico: una aproximación evolucionaria.
  • Postdoctorado en Políticas Públicas y Transformación Universitaria para el Desarrollo de América Latina en el Programa de Gerencia y Políticas Publicas de FACES-LUZ.
  • Profesor emérito de LUZ, Exvicerrector académico de URBE, Rector de la Universidad “Alonso de Ojeda”.