Literary concerns expressing the vivential trascendence of being located in the holistic evolution of the society through knowledge

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Minerva J. Delgado-Romero
Dayana C. Torrealba-Gutiérrez


This essay develops a literary concern about the holistic evolution of human society, based on knowledge, product of the development achieved throughout the history of civilization. Manifested in the understanding of a tangible perceptive-sensitive context that emerges in the experiential transcendence of being in the spiritual light, the dimension that permeates the existence of its feel-think-act, in the machine world fruit of the modern-technological paradigm. The sustained referents are based on the readings of Morin (1994) and Piaget (1974), Sartre (1945), framed in the holistic evolution of society through knowledge, complex fecundation of life, virtual labyrinth and reflections.


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How to Cite
Delgado-RomeroM. J., & Torrealba-GutiérrezD. C. (2018). Literary concerns expressing the vivential trascendence of being located in the holistic evolution of the society through knowledge. Revista Ethos, 10(1), 76-86. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Minerva J. Delgado-Romero, Universidad Nacional Experimental ¨Rafael María Baralt, Venezuela

  • Licenciada en Educación Integral.
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Docencia para Educación Superior.
  • Doctora en Educación.
  • Profesora Adscrita al Departamento de Práctica Docente y Ciencias pedagógicas.
  • Facilitadora del Programa de Formación Docente.
  • Asesora sociocultural del Servicio Comunitario Estudiantil UNERMB.

Dayana C. Torrealba-Gutiérrez, Universidad Nacional Experimental ¨Rafael María Baralt, Venezuela

  • Licenciada en Educación Integral.
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Docencia para Educación Superior.
  • Doctora en Educación.
  • Profesora Adscrita al Departamento de Práctica Docente y Ciencias pedagógicas.
  • Facilitadora de Maestría y del Programa de Formación Docente.
  • Asesora sociocultural del Servicio Comunitario Estudiantil UNERMB. PEII A.