Strategic self-regulation in the written composition of argumentative texts. Case: Liceo Bolivariano “Guillermo Cuartín”, Falcón state, Venezuela

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Héctor José Navas
María Venegas


The paper disclose the results of a research whose objective was to determine the effectiveness of self-regulation in the process of written composition of argumentative texts in secondary school students Liceo Bolivariano “Guillermo Cuartín”, Falcón state, Venezuela. Methodologically, it represents an explanatory study under a quasi-experimental design. In the pretest phase, a questionnaire was applied, associated with the strategic written composition process, which explored the initial level of the sample; Then, they had to write an argumentative text, which was evaluated through a matrix of textual aspects. The sample consisted of twenty-five (25) students, aged between fourteen (14) and sixteen (16) years old, drawn from a conglomerate of seventy-five (75) schoolchildren. The analysis of the information proved, in terms of the written composition process, that the students did not fully apply the cognitive skills underlying this process, while the writing perceived it as a scholarized event, whose recipient was always the teacher.


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How to Cite
NavasH. J., & VenegasM. (2018). Strategic self-regulation in the written composition of argumentative texts. Case: Liceo Bolivariano “Guillermo Cuartín”, Falcón state, Venezuela. Revista Ethos, 10(1), 13-28. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Héctor José Navas, Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda, Venezuela

  • Docente de Lengua nivel media general e invitado en eje metodológico a nivel de posgrado UPEL/UNERMB. Director de liceo nacional Guillermo Cuartín, Sabaneta, estado Falcón.
  • Magister en Enseñanza de la Lectura y escritura(UNEFM). Doctorado en Educación (UNERMB).

María Venegas, Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda, Venezuela

  • Docente titular UNEFM en Departamento de Idiomas.
  • Docente invitado en posgrados UNEFM/UNERMB en eje metodológico.
  • Magíster en Gerencia.