Measures Against Youth Unemployment in Spain: Path of Policies and Systems Compared in Europe

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Jessica Bayón-Pérez
Andrés Arenas-Falótico


The introduction of a series of measures integrated in the National Plan for the Implementation of the Youth Guarantee System in Spain has led the Spanish Government to invest European money to implement an astonishment plan against young unemployment. For this, the purpose and general objective is to analyze the factors that determined the appearance of these guarantees. After the analysis it can be seen that there has been labor insertion with a high temporality and involuntariness of part-time work and other forms of underemployment, adding precarious and temporary jobs.


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How to Cite
Bayón-PérezJ., & Arenas-FalóticoA. (2019). Measures Against Youth Unemployment in Spain: Path of Policies and Systems Compared in Europe. Revista Ethos, 11(1), 13-30. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Jessica Bayón-Pérez, Universidad de Nebrija, España

  • Profesora del Departamento de Derecho. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Nebrija.

Andrés Arenas-Falótico, Universidad de Nebrija, España

  • Profesor del Departamento de Empresas. Coordinador Universidad de Nebrija. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Universidad de Nebrija. 

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