Structured Methodology for Developing Applications for Mobile Devices

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Alfredo Díaz-Pérez


The purpose of this technological note is to provide a technological structured methodology for the development of mobile applications (MEDAPP); for helping designers and programmers to get functional products with scientific guidance. Methodologically, it was classified as a feasible and documentary project type; a proposal that can be easily applied. A review of existing theories as Pressman (2010), Gasca et al (2013) and Amaya (2013), was carried out to generate the phases of the proposed methodology. A total of six (06) phases were created, starting with problem diagnose, the specification of requirements, design, construction, testing, packaging and distribution of the final product. In conclusion, a hybrid, adaptable and accessible methodology for mobile developing was obtained.


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How to Cite
Díaz-PérezA. (2016). Structured Methodology for Developing Applications for Mobile Devices. Revista Ethos, 8(2), 219-230. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Alfredo Díaz-Pérez, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela

  • Ingeniero en Informática (URBE, 2005).
  • Magíster en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos (URBE, 2008).
  • Docente de la Universidad del Zulia. Núcleo COL. Departamento de Ciencias Formales.