Industrial process optimization

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Ramón Moncayo
Nilsson Nilsson Villa


The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the importance of optimizing in dustrial processes, as a basic necessity in business organizations. A review of literature was made that permitted obtaining and processing in formation gathered about the topic under study. Conclusions were that, in businesses, there is a continual need for improvement in operational pro cesses; this is of great relevance, because, it will al low them to stay in business, given the great competitiveness and globalization of the economy. Improving processes will act as a primary element that will contribute to increasing or ganizational productivity, considered a key indicator in the management of any production unit.


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How to Cite
MoncayoR., & Nilsson VillaN. (2021). Industrial process optimization. Revista Ethos, 5(2), 228-235. Retrieved from