Governability of the venezuelan state and national public power

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Mignely Gabriela Díaz de Cháves
Yennily Coromoto Villalobos Lugo


The purpose of this study was to analyze whether Venezuelan society accepts the decisions of its governors and the national public power, in the context of genuine governance. Different concepts of the term governability were consulted, determining that it is interpreted as the capacity of the government to run society, and the decision of society to accept this authority embodied in laws. In this area, national public power plays a fundamental role, which leads to the gradation of governability into ideal, normal and deficient. The research was documentary. The main conclusion is that Venezuela, definitely, is not located in the area of ideal governance, due more to the existence of weak responses to social demands, but it is also not classified in the deficient category of governability.


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Díaz de ChávesM. G., & Villalobos LugoY. C. (2021). Governability of the venezuelan state and national public power. Revista Ethos, 5(2), 188-196. Retrieved from