Doing science in the 21st century: from Descartes´ path to the river of Heraclitus

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Claudia Liliana Perlo


After twenty years of research, the aim of this article is to present a theoretical and methodological reflection about how we produce knowledge: What do we call science in the XXIst century? Why do we do research and how do we engage with the object of our investigation The ontological and epistemological propos als from the twentieth century, derived from both the natural and physical sciences (Ein stein, Bohr, Bohm, Maturana, Prigogine) and social sciences (Morin, Jung, Kuhn, Feyerabend) involve a cosmovision of the universe that breaks modern science. To what extent have these proposals penetrated the practice of current scientific research? This paper proposes awakening from
the dream of Cartesian reason, to enter an awareness that integrates emotions and connects with life.


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How to Cite
PerloC. L. (2021). Doing science in the 21st century: from Descartes´ path to the river of Heraclitus. Revista Ethos, 5(2), 160-171. Retrieved from