The cuban ‘98 and the real ones in the struggle: women and their role in the revolution and national conscience

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Claudio Gallegos


This paper aims to provide new elements for constructing stories about the war in Cuba in the late nineteenth century that are absent from the general historiography, in order to visualize the genuineness of the liberation process. This study focuses on the participation of women in the cause of the revolution. The Argentine weekly, called Cuba Libre, together with its continuation, La República de Cuba (1896- 1898), are taken as a basis. The aforementioned graphic medium from the era develops a vision of Cuban women as undisputed protagonists of the struggle for independence, not referenced in works published to date.


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How to Cite
GallegosC. (2021). The cuban ‘98 and the real ones in the struggle: women and their role in the revolution and national conscience. Revista Ethos, 5(2), 148-159. Retrieved from