University social responsibility as a source for community projects: an experience in community service

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Michailor Ávila C.
Cira Fernández de Pelekais
Johana Quintero O.


The purpose of this study was to analyze the social responsibility of universities as a source for community projects in Venezuelan universities. The study is based on the positivist epistemological approach and is descriptive, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional, field design. The population consisted of twenty-four (24) secretaries attached to the interinstitutional cooperation network. For data collection, a Likert scale instrument was applied, which was subjected to content validation and the Cronbach alpha reliability test, proving to be highly reliable. Among the results achieved, the mean was located in the very high level category. Conclusions are that, in the houses of study, wills exist that have been won over in favor of moving the great strengths of education to the collective.


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How to Cite
Ávila C.M., Fernández de PelekaisC., & Quintero O.J. (2021). University social responsibility as a source for community projects: an experience in community service. Revista Ethos, 5(1), 94-107. Retrieved from