Michel Onfray: pilgrimage to the body in love

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Valmore Muñoz Arteaga


Michel Onfray has stated the need to build a body in love to break out against Cartesian and theological rationality, for the sole purpose of permitting men and women to enjoy themselves at ease without fear of punishment. For this reason, he has traced the guidelines that, he says, can shape the body in love. He speaks of a hospitable flesh, a de-Christianized flesh and of carnal abundance. This article attempts to explain the proposal made by Michel Onfray from his hedonistic and atheistic ideological viewpoint.


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Muñoz ArteagaV. (2021). Michel Onfray: pilgrimage to the body in love. Revista Ethos, 5(1), 81-93. Retrieved from http://ojs.udelistmo.edu/ojs/index.php/Ethos/article/view/191