The Italian christian democratic party: ideology and projection

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Pasquale Sofia


This research, of a historical and political nature, intends to show the birth and evolution of the “Christian Democracy” Party in Italy, through the thought and action of two of its leading figures, Romolo Murri and Luigi Sturzo. Christian Democratic doctrine and ideals, firmly anchored in Christian doctrine, has its roots in the eighteenth century, while in Italy, they were spread in the second half of the nineteenth century, when several Catholic intellectuals realized the need for Catholic effort in politics as an extension of social affairs. The pioneers of Christian democrat ideology laid the foundations for political thought of a markedly original, independent and proactive nature, which even today is present in political parties, movements and organizations in over 50 countries worldwide.


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How to Cite
SofiaP. (2021). The Italian christian democratic party: ideology and projection. Revista Ethos, 5(1), 69-80. Retrieved from