Interpretation and coherence in the function of the judge

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Celina Padrón Acosta


Man, within the social coexistence needed for his development, which has always been governed by rules, has required interpretation in applying them. To interpret is to determine the content and scope of the phrases; in the case of interpreting legal rules, this means determining the content and scope of the law. It corresponds to the judge to perform this task for the purpose of applying the general standard to the particular case. Therefore, it is held that the meaning of general legal standards is the one attributed by judges. Consequently, the effectiveness of such standards depends on their interpretations, made according to their beliefs, values, concepts, interests, and within a particular historical-social environment; therefore, the sentences reflect intersubjective valuations.


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Padrón AcostaC. (2021). Interpretation and coherence in the function of the judge. Revista Ethos, 5(1), 56-68. Retrieved from