Establishing connections between: Violence, being a woman, poor and migrant in Juárez

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Rosalba Robles Ortega


The situation of vulnerability that women have in Juarez City has been increased by the violence and insecurity under which they live daily, both in and outside their homes. Here, geopolitical, economic and cultural contexts intersect, and gender is the principle determinant. This leads to situations where risk escalates, as does the abuse of women by their intimate partners, attacks that reflect the symptom of an androcentric society in which unequal power relations rule. To investigate the way that being a woman interacts with other factors such as poverty, migration and generation on the vulnerability of these women in the west, in-depth interviews were conducted. These were analyzed using feminist theories, since they are women who experience a continuum of violence and insecurity.


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How to Cite
Robles OrtegaR. (2021). Establishing connections between: Violence, being a woman, poor and migrant in Juárez. Revista Ethos, 5(1), 28-42. Retrieved from