Strategic thinking to enhance quality in higher education

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Rina D' Addosio Serna
Carla Urrutia Morales


Quality in university education is a permanent normative challenge in the institutions, a reason why they should submit to a continuous, integral process for improving their academic processes and practices, considering the important role they should fulfill in areas of teaching, research and extension. Similarly, this need comes from the imperative of imparting quality education as one of the recommendations raised in the Closing Report of the World-Wide Conference on Higher Education, held in Paris in 2009. As a working hypothesis, strategic thought is considered as the foundation for this research. The objective of this study is to analyze strategic thought as basic factor for strengthening quality management in university education.


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How to Cite
D’ Addosio SernaR., & Urrutia MoralesC. (2010). Strategic thinking to enhance quality in higher education. Revista Ethos, 2(2), 279-292. Retrieved from