Venezuela and its new educational curriculum as a platform for protagonist democracy

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José Antonio Mena Duarte
Zugehy Escalante
Ángela Castillo


The vision of development held by the Venezuelan State is based on the educational perspective as an expression of a new approach to development, oriented toward human welfare. The objective of this study is to establish that Venezuela, with its new educational curriculum as a platform for protagonist democracy, tries to position itself among developing countries as a solid democracy. Likewise, the study seeks to identify in the positive legal system how the State defines itself regarding economic development and to clarify the values pursued by the National Social and Productive Inclusion System in the economic development framework. The methodology was documentary. The study concludes with identification, coherence and coordination among constitutional values transmitted through the educational programs and those that serve as an epistemological support for the country’s sustainable economic development scheme.


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Mena DuarteJ. A., EscalanteZ., & Castillo Ángela. (2010). Venezuela and its new educational curriculum as a platform for protagonist democracy. Revista Ethos, 2(2), 265-278. Retrieved from