Michel Foucault, Don Quijote and the Pozna Methodological School: For a recontextualization of the Literary work

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Katarzyna Gan-Krzywoszyska
Piotr Leniewsk


Michel Foucault has made a significant interpretation of Don Quijote, an interpretation in which the literary text becomes autonomous and even creates its own reality. However, language demands rules required for communication, and literary interpretation requires a theory that accounts for it. The Pozna Methodological School provides a theoretical proposal that shows how a plurality of worldviews is possible. Its principle of recontextualization may help to formulate new perspectives for interpreting Cervantes’ work and other cultural phenomena.


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Gan-KrzywoszyskaK., & LeniewskP. (2021). Michel Foucault, Don Quijote and the Pozna Methodological School: For a recontextualization of the Literary work . Revista Ethos, 4(2), 251-263. Retrieved from http://ojs.udelistmo.edu/ojs/index.php/Ethos/article/view/168