Conflict resolution strategies in the Classroom

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Luis B. Mata Guevara


The main purpose of this essay is to analyze, in the light of theoretical foundations and practical experience, how to manage conflictive situations in the classroom using strategies to neutralize them and thereby, achieve academic goals. Analytical research will be developed with a documentary design, based on a historical review of the theoretical contributions made by a significant group of researchers in  human behavior and education, such as Fernandez (1998), Rojas (2006), Huitt and Hummel (2003), Ausubel (2006) and Rogers (2004), among others. Dialectical elements and practices were established that permitted guiding conflictive actions in the classroom, neutralizing them through academic activities subsumed to strategies tending toward achieving the proposed learning objectives.


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How to Cite
Mata GuevaraL. B. (2021). Conflict resolution strategies in the Classroom. Revista Ethos, 4(1), 86-99. Retrieved from