The Ombudsman and his/her Role as a Human Rights Defender in Venezuelan Legislation

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José Antonio Mena Duarte


 The Ombudsman is the person who centers his/her attention on representing the rights and interests of citizens in the face of abuses that State functionaries might commit in the light of the defenseless and significant situation to which these citizens are frequently subjected. For example, the ombudsman takes part in the claim that a citizen consumer makes regarding an excessive or abusive charge for a public service, or confronting the silence of the State regarding a claim in matters of health, education or employment or the claim of a student group for better educational conditions. The Ombudsman is a person who investigates the claims and serves as a mediator in the conciliations. S/he centers his/her attention especially between offended parties such as the user of a public service, a student and an institution or organization. The fundamental objective of this article is to highlight the importance of the Ombudsman in the defense of Human Rights. The methodology is of the documentarybibliographic type. The conclusion indicates the importance of public defenders in a country without a defined governmental direction.


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How to Cite
Mena DuarteJ. A. (2021). The Ombudsman and his/her Role as a Human Rights Defender in Venezuelan Legislation. Revista Ethos, 1(1 y 2), 134-154. Retrieved from