Technology transfer for the manufacture and assembly of drilling rigs in Venezuela's oil sector

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Fanny Mosquera
Judeira Batista
Johana Quintero


This study analyzed the technology transfer process for the assembly, manufacture and maintenance of drilling rigs. Research was of the descriptive, field, non-experimental, transactional type. Results indicated that, in terms of the transfer mechanisms, there are no technological gaps between the provider and receiver, permitting exploitation of the technology acquired in the receiving country, and there is good management of the technology provided. Little linkage between the university and businesses was in evidence. As for strategies, it is possible to adapt the technologies in a competitive future and have technologies appropriate to needs, even though there is no strategy for receivers to develop their own technology.


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How to Cite
MosqueraF., BatistaJ., & QuinteroJ. (2021). Technology transfer for the manufacture and assembly of drilling rigs in Venezuela’s oil sector. Revista Ethos, 3(1), 91-99. Retrieved from