Graduate student learning from the andragogical perspective

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Katerin Izarra
Doris Gutiérrez


The aim of this study was to analyze graduate student learning from the andragogical perspective. Research was of the descriptive type, located in a positivist epistemic position, with a non-experimental design. Using a questionnaire as instrument, the survey technique was applied to a sample of graduate students at the Experimental University Rafael María Baralt (UNERMB). The data collecting instrument was validated and tested for reliability using the student’s t and the Cronbach formula, respectively, before application. Results indicated that the students’ educational practice is not facilitated
adequately from the andragogical perspective, in terms of andragogical principles and learning strategies.


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How to Cite
IzarraK., & GutiérrezD. (2021). Graduate student learning from the andragogical perspective. Revista Ethos, 3(1), 77-90. Retrieved from