Dilemmas of the political construction of an order: the contributions of Antonio Gramsci to marxist thought

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Carlos Ernesto Espeche


This article proposes to visualize the relation between ideology, culture and politics in the Marxist thought of Antonio Gramsci. This approach contributes a dialectic and all-encompassing viewpoint, fundamental levels in the reproduction of contemporary societies. The research was documentary, based on an exhaustive bibliographic review of the subject. This article centers on the concept of hegemony as a tool for political construction that makes it possible to maintain or dismantle a certain order


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How to Cite
EspecheC. E. (2010). Dilemmas of the political construction of an order: the contributions of Antonio Gramsci to marxist thought. Revista Ethos, 2(1), 11-31. Retrieved from http://ojs.udelistmo.edu/ojs/index.php/Ethos/article/view/129