Self-management and community participation level to assess environmental corporate social responsibility

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Evelin M. Semprún-Manzano


The purpose of this essay is to reflect on self- management as a level of community participation to evaluate environmental social responsibility through documentary review of legal texts and the doctrine of authors such as Merino (2013), Aguilar (2001), Brivio (2001) and Arnestein (1969), among others; concluding that the community has self- management as a level of participation that allows it to manage and autonomously make decisions, in the exercise of the right of participation granted by law, to measure social action responsibility of the public or private company responsible for causing some adverse environmental event during its production process.


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How to Cite
Semprún-ManzanoE. M. (2017). Self-management and community participation level to assess environmental corporate social responsibility. Revista Ethos, 9(2), 187-195. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Evelin M. Semprún-Manzano

  • Especialista en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos (UNIOJEDA).
  • Abogada (LUZ).
  • Diplomado en Estrategias de Enseñanza Aprendizaje (UNIOJEDA).
  • Facilitadora de Desarrollo Personal y Organizacional.
  • Asesora en área legal, recursos humanos y de seguros.