School inclusion in the face of Covid-19 challenges. Case: Juan Ignacio Molina School, Chile

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Doris J. Solís-Mejías


This article aims to analyze school inclusion in the face of the challenges of COVID-19, in order to intervene and adequately address the special needs of children. For this, the case of the Juan Ignacio Molina School is taken, located in the commune of Talca, province of Talca, Maule Region, Chile. The population and sample of this descriptive field study was made up of sixty-five (65) teachers from the institution, who were consulted using a questionnaire with an assessment scale, whose validity of the instrument was obtained through the judgment of experts. The results reveal an unfavorable trend regarding the application of inclusive education; there is agreement that the pandemic has hampered the paths to educational inclusion. It is concluded that there are weaknesses in access to technological tools, which further aggravates this problem that exists in the educational field.


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How to Cite
Solís-MejíasD. J. (2020). School inclusion in the face of Covid-19 challenges. Case: Juan Ignacio Molina School, Chile. Revista Ethos, 1(1), 86-101. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Doris J. Solís-Mejías, Universidad Miguel de Cervantes

  • Magíster en Gerencia y Liderazgo Educación (Universidad Fermín Toro).
  • Licenciada en Educación Integral, Mención Castellano y Literatura y Ciencias Sociales (UNELLEZ-Barinas).
  • Docente-Investigador Universidad Miguel de Cervantes-Chile.