Strategic management approach as a technological platform for a sustainable culture in small and medium-sized sea salt processing companies

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Hobber José Berrio-Caballer


The purpose of this study is: To deduce how the strategic management approach frames the bases for a sustainable culture in small and mediumsized companies that process sea salt. The research is carried out within the qualitative paradigm, under a transdisciplinary phenomenological approach with a descriptive, naturalistic and constructivist character, based on the theories of Guba& Lincoln (2000), Camacho and Marcano (2003) and Martinez (2010). A semi-structured interview was applied to the manager of the company producing sea salt in the municipality of Maicao (Colombia). The categorization process was carried out by transcribing the protocol information obtained. It concludes by establishing the need to reorient management in salt processing companies, implementing the formalization of the emerging theory about strategic management for sustainable technologies as a way of thinking, generating constructive changes towards a better quality of life.


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How to Cite
Berrio-CaballerH. J. (2020). Strategic management approach as a technological platform for a sustainable culture in small and medium-sized sea salt processing companies. Revista Ethos, 1(1), 55-70. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Hobber José Berrio-Caballer, Universidad de La Guajira

  • Postdoctorado en Gestión de las Ciencias y las Tecnologías.
  • Doctor en Ciencias Gerenciales.
  • Magíster en Gerencia de proyectos de I+D. Especialista en Finanzas.
  • Docente de planta de La Universidad de La Guajira.
  • Director del grupo de investigación “Innovemos gerencia & tecnología”.