Management, personal qualities and educational quality in the municipal establishments of the Commune of Osorno, Chile

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Amely Dolibeth Vivas-Escalante


The study had to analyze the relationship between management, personal qualities in the institutional educational quality in the municipal establishments of the Commune of Osorno, Chile. The research responds to the quantitative method, of a non-experimental nature, supported by the field design, within the descriptive modality. The sample consisted of fifteen (15) teachers to whom an instrument with a Likert scale containing twenty-six (26) items was applied, which was subjected to two (02) types of validation: content and construct; Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 0.92 was applied for reliability. It was concluded that the absence of managerial qualities of the directors creates challenges in terms of educational quality. In this sense, the manager is recommended to strengthen the managerial work within the educational institution in order to improve the performance of the organization. School organizations must provide guarantees that allow education to be in tune with the realities of students.


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How to Cite
Vivas-EscalanteA. D. (2020). Management, personal qualities and educational quality in the municipal establishments of the Commune of Osorno, Chile. Revista Ethos, 1(1), 38-54. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Amely Dolibeth Vivas-Escalante, Universidad Fermín Toro

  • Postdoctorado en Estudios Libres. Universidad Fermín Toro.
  • Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad Fermín Toro.
  • Magíster en Planificación Educativa. Especialista en Evaluación Educacional (UPEL). Universidad Miguel de Cervantes, Chile.