Evolution and Challenges for Management in Venezuela

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José Gregorio Figueroa-Zabala
Lourdes Hinojosa


This essay aims to analyze the evolutionary aspects and challenges for Venezuelan management in the XXIst century. It is supported by contributions from authors such as Drucker (2002), Piñango (2006), Pedreño (2008) and Blanchard (2006) and research from the Institute of Advanced Management Studies (IESA). The research was documentary. The study made it possible to know historical data about management in Venezuela, as well as its main weaknesses, characterized by a lack of leadership and training. Like wise, it disclosed the main challenges being faced, such as globalization and all its connotations, the knowledge society and market information, determined by the path of education as a lever and engine for development.


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How to Cite
Figueroa-ZabalaJ. G., & HinojosaL. (2014). Evolution and Challenges for Management in Venezuela. Revista Ethos, 6(1), 101-113. Retrieved from http://ojs.udelistmo.edu/ojs/index.php/Ethos/article/view/106
Author Biographies

José Gregorio Figueroa-Zabala, Universidad Nacional Experimental ¨Rafael María Baralt, Venezuela

  • Licenciado en Administración (LUZ).
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos (UNERMB).
  • Esp. en Gestión Pública (LUZ).
  • Cursante de Doctorado en Educación (UNERMB).
  • Fiscal de inspección (IMAUL Alcaldía de Lagunillas).
  • Asesor Alcaldía de Lagunillas.
  • Docente universitario en Uniojeda, Unermb, LUZ.
  • Conferencista y Articulista.
  • Asesor de diversas instituciones.

Lourdes Hinojosa, Universidad Nacional Experimental ¨Rafael María Baralt, Venezuela

  • Licenciada en Administración (UJMV).
  • Ma gíster Scientiarum en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos (UNERMB).
  • Cursante del programa Doctorado en Educación: Perspectivas Históricas, Políticas, Curriculares y de Gestión. (LUZ-UCO-Cabimas, (2007- 2013).
  • Docente de pregrado y postgrado (UNERMB, UNIOJEDA).