Community Perception of the Corporate Image of Community Service at Private Universities in the Maracaibo Municipality

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Johana Quintero
María Mujica
Michailor Ávila


The present study aimed to determine the general perception in the community of the corporate image of community service at private universities in Maracaibo. The theoretical foundation was based on authors such as, Scheinsohn (2006), Capriotti (2009) and Pizzolante (1996), among others. The methodology was descriptive, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional, field design. The target population consisted of 327 key informants. Data was collected using a questionnaire with Likert-type scale. Validity and reliability were determined using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, obtaining 0.96. Results show that perception of the community is a key to conceptualizing or imaging community services at a private university.


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How to Cite
QuinteroJ., MujicaM., & ÁvilaM. (2014). Community Perception of the Corporate Image of Community Service at Private Universities in the Maracaibo Municipality. Revista Ethos, 6(1), 88-100. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Johana Quintero

  • Ingeniero en computación.
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos.
  • Doctora en Ciencias Gerenciales.
  • Especialista Gerencial en Formación de Facilitadores en Psiconeurolingüística.
  • Docente Pregrado y Postgrado.
  • Asesor de Trabajos de Investigación, más de 30 publicaciones.
  • Miembro Comité Académico del Doctorado en Ciencias mención Gerencia. PEII Ni vel B.

María Mujica

  • Licenciada en Comunicación Social.
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Ciencias de la Comunicación.
  • Docente de Pregrado.

Michailor Ávila

  • Licenciada en Comunicación Social.
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Gerencia Empresarial.
  • Doctora en Ciencias Gerenciales.
  • Directora de Responsabilidad Social.
  • Docente de Pregra do.