Smart Discipline Applied by Teachers in the Classroom

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Hugo Cuevas


This essay aims to generate reflections about the application of smart discipline by teachers in the classroom. A literature review of the theoretical perspective of Schmill (2009) was performed. This contribution helped to analyze the conceptual postulates about how to apply corrective rules in classroom spaces. Considering these postulates, one can reflect on how teachers can apply smart discipline. Discipline as punishment does not permit a balance between punishment and prevention; on the contrary, it decreases the ability to set limits and benevolence through affection and respect for students. Consequently, this study recommends creating an atmosphere of affection, love and mutual support in the classroom, encouraging happiness, self-control, maturity and appropriate prosocial behavior in the students.


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How to Cite
CuevasH. (2014). Smart Discipline Applied by Teachers in the Classroom. Revista Ethos, 6(2), 235-243. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Hugo Cuevas, Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt, Venezuela

  • Licenciado en Educación Integral. Áreas: Matemática y Ciencias Naturales.
  • Magíster en Gerencia Mención: Sistemas Educativos.
  • Profesor de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt y de la Universidad Alonso de Ojeda.
  • Profesor Adscrito al Ministerio de Educación.
  • Profesor de Postgrado (URBE).
  • Profesor Invitado del Doctorado UNERMB Bachaquero.