University Paradigm Based on Innovative Culture and Social Responsibility

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César Ramos Parra
Yuriev Pérez Cedeño


The purpose of this research was to formulate strategies to drive the development of an Innovative culture in the framework of university social responsibility. The methodology was descriptive, with a non-experimental, cross-sectional, field design. Zulia’s public state universities were taken as population. Results revealed the need to strengthen a group culture, teamwork and service as a way to take advantage of the valuable human capital in universities and as a viable means for increasing the sense of belonging and commitment to the institution so that university functions, such as teaching, research and extension, are carried out with a greater sense of relevance, importance and social significance.


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How to Cite
Ramos ParraC., & Pérez CedeñoY. (2014). University Paradigm Based on Innovative Culture and Social Responsibility. Revista Ethos, 6(2), 150-160. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

César Ramos Parra, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela

  • Profesor Titular (LUZ).
  • Coordinador general de la cátedra RSU en la Universidad del Zulia. PEII A2.

Yuriev Pérez Cedeño, LUZ, Venezuela

  • Profesora Agregada (LUZ).
  • Coordinadora del programa de formación al docente del núcleo LUZ-COL. PEII A.