Methodological Guidelines for Teacher Training Under the Systemic Pedagogy Approach

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Nelia González
Carmen Zabala
Sila Chávez


Purpose of this study was to validate methodological guidelines for teacher training under the systemic pedagogy approach. It is the result of action-reflection research with professional practice students in the Integral Education major at the School of Humanities and Education, University of Zulia (LUZ). Theoretical underpinnings are the postulates of Hellinger (2012) and Olvera (2012), in terms of systemic pedagogy. The research itinerary was the action-reflection research method of Fiorenza and Nardone (2004) and investigative constructive interaction of González (2007). Results showed enthusiasm, motivation for participation by the students and professors and interpretive and theoretical validation with a focus on systemic pedagogy.


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How to Cite
GonzálezN., ZabalaC., & ChávezS. (2014). Methodological Guidelines for Teacher Training Under the Systemic Pedagogy Approach. Revista Ethos, 6(2), 139-149. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Nelia González, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela

  • Doctora en Ciencias Humanas Postgrados: Gerencia en Educación Superior.
  • Docente de La Universidad del Zulia.

Carmen Zabala, Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela

  • Doctora en Ciencias Humanas.
  • Docente de La Universidad del Zulia.

Sila Chávez, Universidad Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín, Venezuela

  • Doctora en Ciencias de la Educación.
  • Postdoctora en Gerencia de la Educación superior.
  • Investigadora de la Universidad Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín.