Safety in the Workplace as a Dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility

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Hicely J. Parra Hernández


This essay was aimed to analyze the security in the working environment as a dimension of corporate social responsibility. The theoretical foundation was based on Matthew (2007) and international standard ISO 26000: 2010; OHSAS 18000 among others, the study methodology was enclosed in the type of documentary-bibliographic research. As for the final considerations, they were focused on getting the most extensive knowledge in the management of corporate social responsibility, mentioning safety in the workplace as internal dimension, allowing to reflect about needs and importance of the integration of these two variables.


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How to Cite
Parra HernándezH. J. (2015). Safety in the Workplace as a Dimension of Corporate Social Responsibility. Revista Ethos, 7(1), 83-92. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Hicely J. Parra Hernández, Universidad Alonso de Ojeda, Venezuela

  • Licenciada en Administración, mención: Gerencia Industrial (UNERMB).
  • Magister Gerencia de empresa (LUZ).
  • Especialista en protección y seguridad Industrial (IUTM).
  • Candidata a Doctora en Ciencias Sociales, mención: Gerencia (LUZ)
  • Coordinadora Docente de la Universidad Alonso de Ojeda.