Elements for Managing Technological Innovation: A Theoretical Approach

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Wilmer R. Campos-Rodríguez
Ramón A. Salazar-Contreras


In the business sector, most often people are not aware of the need to apply the technology, either because of ignorance, lack of organization or financial resources to do it. Having this in mind, and from a documentary bibliographical perspective, it is taken as a starting point, the consideration of several authors such as Urban and Toledano (2008), Martinez (2006), Costa (2006), Hamilton and Pezo (2005), Flores (2005), Alegre (2004), Rodriguez and Cordero (2002), Valhondo (2003) among others, who define and typify the different elements that determine technological progress in enterprises. It is concluded that technological innovation is fundamentally achieved through changes in the functioning and interaction of both natural and artificial elements.


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How to Cite
Campos-RodríguezW. R., & Salazar-ContrerasR. A. (2016). Elements for Managing Technological Innovation: A Theoretical Approach. Revista Ethos, 8(2), 193-201. Retrieved from http://ojs.udelistmo.edu/ojs/index.php/Ethos/article/view/66
Author Biographies

Wilmer R. Campos-Rodríguez, UNIOJEDA, Venezuela

  • TSU. en Administración, mención: Contabilidad y Finanzas (IUTEPAL).
  • Licenciado en Administración, mención: Relaciones Industriales (UNIOJEDA).
  • Maestrante en el programa de Gerencia de Empresas Mención Financiera (LUZ-COL).
  • Maestrante en el programa de Gerencia de la Innovación (LUZ-COL).
  • Analista de Planes de Salud COL, Gerencia Regional de Salud PDVSA Occidente.
  • Docente del convenio UNIR-UNIOJEDA.

Ramón A. Salazar-Contreras

  • TSU. En Administración Mención Sistemas Administrativos y Contables (UNIR).
  • Licenciado en Administración (LUZ).
  • Maestrante en el programa de Gerencia de la Innovación (LUZ-COL).
  • Ejecutivo de Crédito y Cobranza, Centro Médico de Cabimas, S.A.
  • Docente del convenio UNIR-UNIOJEDA.