School Integration for the Family with the Collective of the National Educational Unit Campo Lara

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Sulenny C. Mavarez-Pernalete


This study aims to promote school integration for the family with the collective of the national educational unit (NEU) «Campo Lara», all based on the critical-reflexive paradigm. It is based on critical theory: education theory by Silva (2011); general theory of systems: Sistemic approach in family studies exposed by Espinal et al (2003); and the theory of social constructionism by Gergen (2000). The approach is qualitative, framed in action research participant, based on the Kemmis model (1984). At the end, it was possible to form the school for family; and the integration with the collective was achieved.


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How to Cite
Mavarez-PernaleteS. C. (2016). School Integration for the Family with the Collective of the National Educational Unit Campo Lara. Revista Ethos, 8(2), 133-145. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Sulenny C. Mavarez-Pernalete, UNERMB, Venezuela

  • Licenciada en Educación, en las Menciones: Integral (UNERMB), Matemática y Física (LUZ).
  • Especialista en Didáctica de la Matemática (UVM).
  • Candidata a Doctora en Educación (UNERMB).