Sustainable Development, Management and Leadership: From Utopia to Unavoidable Commitment

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Argenis J. Mendoza-Suárez


The present essay reflects on the perspectives of sustainable development, and the role of management and leadership, taking into consideration, the possibility of contribution of management leaders in the inevitable commitment to preserve the environment. For this purpose, a documentary-bibliographic design is used that will allow the concretion of the purpose to be realized. In the final considerations, it is established that, in the future, business management will have a responsibility, as never before in the management and administration of conscious organizations, both in their operational work and in their commitment to humanity and the natural resources available in the planet.


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How to Cite
Mendoza-SuárezA. J. (2017). Sustainable Development, Management and Leadership: From Utopia to Unavoidable Commitment. Revista Ethos, 9(1), 87-100. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Argenis J. Mendoza-Suárez, Universidad Nacional Experimental ¨Rafael María Baralt, Venezuela

  • Licenciado en Comunicación Social. Mención: Periodismo Audiovisual (LUZ, Venezuela).
  • Especialista en Desarrollo de Organizaciones Inteligentes (LUZ, Venezuela).
  • Magíster Scientiarum en Gerencia de Recursos Humanos (UNERMB, Venezuela).
  • Doctorante en Gerencia (UNY, Venezuela).
  • Doctorante en Educación (UNERMB, Venezuela).
  • Profesor invitado de postgrado de la Universidad Nacional Experimental Rafael María Baralt (UNERMB) y de la Universidad Alonso de Ojeda (UNIOJEDA).